What is PTE?

PTE, short for Pearson Test of English, is a computer-based English language proficiency test tailored for individuals aspiring to study abroad or relocate to countries such as Australia and New Zealand. Distinguishing itself from traditional assessments like IELTS and TOEFL, PTE offers a dynamic, scenario-based examination format. Accredited by the QCA and administered in collaboration with Edexcel, the world’s leading examining body, PTE prioritizes practical, day-to-day English language skills over advanced proficiency.

Understanding the PTE Experience, Benefits of Opting for PTE


Scenario-Based Evaluation

PTE’s scenario-based approach sets it apart from conventional language tests. Rather than solely focusing on theoretical knowledge, PTE evaluates candidates’ ability to navigate real-life situations using English language skills.

Accreditation and Administration

Endorsed by the Quality and Curriculum Authority (QCA), PTE is administered in partnership with Edexcel, renowned for its global examination standards. This accreditation ensures the test’s reliability and validity, reinforcing its credibility among institutions and organizations worldwide.

Emphasis on Practical English

Unlike examinations that prioritize complex language structures, PTE emphasizes the mastery of everyday English usage. By assessing candidates’ proficiency in practical contexts, PTE prepares them for seamless integration into English-speaking environments.

Efficient Results Delivery

Thanks to its AI-based platform, PTE offers swift result processing, with outcomes typically available within five business days. This expedited turnaround time provides candidates with timely feedback, facilitating prompt decision-making regarding their academic or migratory endeavors.

Comprehensive Evaluation

PTE’s comprehensive evaluation encompasses all aspects of language proficiency, including speaking, writing, reading, and listening. By holistically assessing candidates’ skills, PTE offers a comprehensive overview of their English language competency, enabling them to identify areas for improvement effectively.

Flexibility and Accessibility

PTE’s computer-based format enhances accessibility and convenience for test-takers, allowing them to schedule exams at their preferred locations and times. This flexibility accommodates diverse schedules and commitments, making PTE an accessible option for aspiring international students and migrants worldwide.

Get Genuine PTE Certificate Online

You may be worried about authenticity. It’s very important to be. Usually people fall into the trap of trying to use a fake document legally. We are fully aware of the presence of scammers trying to use these similar services to scam people claiming they are professionals. Some even go to the extend of claiming to be working with us. We always educate our candidates about the risk involved in trying to use something that is fake for legal purposes.

We give you all the the ability to only buy genuine PTE certificate without exam. We insist on the genuine aspect of it, because it’s the most important criteria to take into consideration. A certificate or any document is useless if it’s not officially registered and recognized by the system.

With the long lasting relationship we have created with database administrators from the Pearson Test of English databases, the help of trainers, examiners, partners and members of board, we assure you that, you are getting a genuine and authentic PTE certificate.

We always start by booking a valid test date, register your details officially in the database, grant you the scores you applied for, and also make sure the scores are published online, so you can easily access them in case your university wishes to verify the scores online for confirmation. You verify almost the same way you check if an IELTS certificate is genuine or not.

About Pte Simplifier

As seasoned professionals with over 15 years of experience, we offer a trustworthy solution to obtaining a genuine PTE certificate or any other English language proficiency certificate without the need to sit for exams at a testing center. Our track record speaks for itself – we’ve assisted numerous students in gaining admission to universities abroad and facilitated career opportunities for others. Whether you’re aiming to pursue international studies or secure employment overseas, our reliable services can be instrumental in achieving your goals. Simply place your order for a genuine certificate today and reap the benefits later.

PTE Certificate vs IELTS

This is a few of our publisher's most popular differences.

  • PTE Academic test – Single test having 3 parts: speaking and writing (together), listening and reading
  • PTE Includes overall score (10 to 90 points), a score for each communicative skill (listening, reading, speaking, and writing: 10 to 90 points), and a score for each of the enabling skills.
  • The overall PTE score is not an average calculation of the communicative scores.
  • PTE Automated scoring against the Global Scale of English (Thermometer-style scale)
  • PTE Test Fairness is high
  • PTE Results are Available within five business days.
  • PTE Speaking Test, You speak into a microphone 
  • PTE is Global Acceptance. Select universities and governments but popular in many countries around the world.
  • IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. Includes Listening, Academic Reading, General Training Reading, Academic Writing, General Training, Writing, and Speaking
  • The overall band IELTS score (0-9) is the average of the scores assigned to each of the sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
  • IELTS has Average of the 4 sections scores, rounded to the nearest whole or half band
  • IELTS has Human assessment (subject to manual errors)
  • IELTS Test Fairness is Medium to High
  • IELTS Paper test: Test Report Form available 13 days after your test. IELTS Computer test: Results available in 3 to 5 days after your test
  • IELTS is Face-to-face speaking test with an examiner
  • IELTS has A wider range of acceptance. More universities and governments worldwide enlist this language test on their website.

Here’s how:
Buy PTE Certificate Online, NO EXAM NEEDED:

Maybe you have tried giving the test but couldn’t pass. You remember doing all that hard work and pulling all-nighters just to score good on thus exam but couldn’t. Well, that’s where our role comes into play when you buy a certificate from us you don’t have to give any exam or do all that hard. We will provide you with genuine PTE certificates easily.

Yes Of course why we will provide a certificate that doesn’t even do the job it is meant to do. With our advance database infiltration system, we can actually embed your score in PTE database. SO YOU CAN CHECK THE SCORES YOURSELF. Now that’s something new, isn’t it?

Yes, we can offer you that, so you have the choice to define the scores you actually want and not some random score defined by us.

CERTIFIED: Unlike other websites, we offer you verified test results. Seems to good be true? See for yourself. You will receive a test card with your detail which you can verify online all this without any giving any exam.


Unlike other websites we will not get vanished when you buy PTE certificate from us we will be in touch with you as long as you need us, be assured we’ve got you’re back. FEEL FREE TO CONTACT US REGARDING ANY ISSUES.

Client Testimonials

I do not know if you remember me. My name is Arif from Pakistan. I bought exam papers from you last week. The questions were exactly the same as on the paper. My scores are really good Sir. Thanks very much!
Hello my friend, I come from Manama. Pte Simplifier man ask if I want to take PTE test again. I say No! He say he can help me get the certificate no exam. I say OK. He make me pass, He send me certificate. But tell me to try learn English.
Hi Sir, just wanted to wish you a happy new month. I have referred you to one of my friends. He will contact you to update his scores.
Hey Pte Simplifier, Just wanted to say I will need another certificate for my friend who wants to study abroad. I told him about you and he said he will like to get in touch with you.

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